
For dimensions $N \geq 4$, we consider the Brezis-Nirenberg variational problem of finding $ S(\epsilon V) : = \inf\limits_{0\not\equiv u\in H^1_0(\Omega)} \frac{\int_\Omega |\nabla u|^2\, dx +\epsilon \int_\Omega V\, |u|^2\, dx}{\left(\int_\Omega |u|^q \, dx \right)^{2/q}}, $ where $q = \frac{2N}{N-2}$ is the critical Sobolev exponent, $\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^N$ is a bounded open set and $V:\overline{\Omega}\to \mathbb{R}$ is a continuous function. We compute the asymptotics of $S(0) - S(\epsilon V)$ to leading order as $\epsilon \to 0+$. We give a precise description of the blow-up profile of (almost) minimizing sequences and, in particular, we characterize the concentration points as being extrema of a quotient involving the Robin function. This complements the results from our recent paper in the case $N = 3$.


  • To prepare the statement of our main results, we introduce some key objects for the following analysis

  • It is natural to study general positive solutions of this equation, even if they do not arise as minimizers of (1.2)

  • In the special case where V is a negative constant, Brézis and Peletier [4] discussed the concentration behavior of such general solutions and made some conjectures, which were later proved by Han [7] and Rey [8]

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Introduction and main results

The purpose of this paper is, for N ě 4, to describe the asymptotics of SN Sp V q to leading order as Ñ 0, as well as the asymptotic behavior of corresponding (almost) minimizing sequences and, in particular, their concentration behavior This is the higher-dimensional complement to our recent paper [6], where analogous results are shown in the more difficult case N “ 3. In our paper we generalize Takahashi’s results to non-constant V and to almost minimizing sequences and we give an alternative, self-contained proof which does not rely on the works of Han and Rey. The present work is a companion paper to [6] relying on the techniques developed there in the three dimensional case.

Upper bound
Proof of the main results
N4 λ1 ą
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