
The spectral efficiency (SE) and energy efficiency (EE) performance of a millimeter-wave (mmWave) cellular network is studied where a user device can associate with a base station (BS) or another user for device-to-device (D2D) communication based on an interference-aware D2D distance threshold. Using the tools of stochastic geometry, the mean interference, coverage probability, area SE, and network EE are derived under the proposed association scheme. Performance of the proposed scheme is compared with that of the minimum path loss (Min PL)-based and maximum biased-received-power (Max BRP)-based association schemes. The proposed scheme is shown to give the best coverage probability performance in noise-limited networks, while the three schemes converge in performance in interference-limited networks in the high coverage threshold regime (>20 dB). Further, the proposed scheme achieves up to 60% increase in the area SE and EE, compared to the Min PL-based scheme that gives the next best performance. Lastly, the paper proposed a goal attainment algorithm that achieves up to a seven-fold decrease in the mean deviation from a preset SE objective and 50% savings in EE, compared to the achievable performance under a constant transmit power and bandwidth allocation scheme.

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