
Energy efficiency is an important issue in computing systems and operating within a safe power budget is a necessary constraint. This paper presents a simple and practical solution both for energy minimization and peak power reduction, called Single Voltage Approximation (SVA) scheme, for periodic real-time tasks on multicore systems with a shared supply voltage in a voltage island. SVA is inspired by the Single Frequency Approximation (SFA) scheme, in which all the cores in the island run at a single voltage and frequency such that all tasks can meet their deadlines. In SVA, all the cores in the island are also executed at the same single voltage as in SFA. However, the frequency of each core is individually chosen, such that the tasks in each core can meet their deadlines, but without running at unnecessarily high frequencies. Thus, all the cores are executing tasks all the time and there is no need for any Dynamic Power Management (DPM) technique for reducing the energy consumption for idling. For task partitioning, SVA is combined with the Double Largest Task First (DLTF) partitioning scheme. Most importantly, this paper provides comprehensive analysis for combining DLTF and SVA, deriving its worst-case behavior both for energy minimization and peak power reduction, compared against the optimal solutions. Our analysis shows that, depending on the hardware, the energy consumption by combining DLTF and SVA is at most 1.95 (2.21, 2.42, and 2.59, respectively), compared to the optimal solutions, when the voltage island has up to 4 (8, 16, and 32, respectively) cores, which outperforms the worst-case factors of SFA when the cores fail to sleep efficiently. For peak power reduction, due to running at slower frequencies, combining DLTF and SVA always outperforms SFA, both in average and corner cases. Finally, we extend our analysis considering multicore systems with discrete voltage and frequency pairs and multiple voltage islands.

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