
In wireless mobile computing environments, broadcasting is an effective and scalable technique to disseminate information to a massive number of clients, wherein the energy usage and latency are considered major concerns. This paper presents an indexing scheme for the energy- and latency-efficient processing of full-text searches over the wireless broadcast data stream. Although a lot of access methods and index structures have been proposed in the past for full-text searches, all of them are targeted for data in disk storage, not wireless broadcast channels. For full-text searches on a wireless broadcast stream, we firstly introduce a naive, inverted list-style indexing method, where inverted lists are placed in front of the data on the wireless channel. In order to reduce the latency overhead, we propose a two-level indexing method which adds another level of index structure to the basic inverted list-style index. In addition, we propose a replication strategy of the index list and index tree to further improve the latency performance. We analyze the performance of the proposed indexing scheme with respect to the latency and energy usage measures, and show the optimality of index replication. The correctness of the analysis is demonstrated through simulation experiments, and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme is shown by implementing a real wireless information delivery system.

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