
Background: Early duration pigeonpea genotypes a boon as the crop needs a very little amount of inputs, survives well even under available water conditions because of its Bio-tillage in nature. There are many causes of low productivity of pigeonpea, using long duration genotypes, using convention varieties, non monitored input like sowing date and management practice and short duration genotypes play a very important role in productivity as well as production in Rajasthan. Methods: A two-year field experiment was conducted at the Agricultural Research Station, Sriganganagar Rajasthan, during the Kharif season of the year 2018 and 2019. The experiment is laidout with a split plot design with thrice replication, in the main plot four dates of sowing allotted viz: D1: 25th May, D2: 10th June, D3: 25th June and D4: 10th July and in subplot five genotypes allotted viz: V1: UPAS-120, V2: ASJ-105, V3: Pant- 291, V4: PUSA- 992, V5: ICPL- 88039. Result: Field experiments resulted, the Sowing date D2: 10th June (1451 kg ha-1), is best suitable as compared to others in terms of yields, its attributes and B:C ratio both the years. In the short duration varieties V4: PUSA-992 (1586 kg ha-1) superior to others. In respect of different sowings dates the energy budgeting viz: energy use efficiency varies from D1: 25th May (9.80) and (5.99) to D4: 10th July (8.14) and (4.95), energy productivity (kg MJ-1) varies from D1: 25th May (0.164) and (0.104) to D4: 10th July (0.126) and (0.078) in both the years. In respective of genotypes the higher energy use efficiency found in V4: PUSA-992 (10.34), (6.56), energy productivity in V4: PUSA-992 (0.171 kg MJ-1), (0.111 kg MJ-1) which was superior with others in all aspect in both the years respectively.

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