
This study focuses on a piezo-magneto-elastic structure comprising an economical piezoelectric cantilever and a magnet pair. It is designed for efficient mechanical energy harvesting to power a battery-free motion-sensing IoT system through plucking motions. We conduct a thorough analysis and parametric study to elucidate the energy and dynamic intricacies during operation, specifically under a single plucking excitation. Beginning with a magnetic dipole–dipole model, we present a potential energy profile to intuitively elucidate and quantitatively assess the energy progression throughout a single plucking transient. By meticulously adjusting the setup parameters, the input potential energy can be precisely tuned, ensuring that the energy harvested from a single plucking motion meets the demand of each round of wireless communication. Diverging from previous power-centric investigations of plucking energy harvesters, in which continuous plucking motions are investigated, our approach provides a new perspective on the energy-centric design and transient dynamics of a single plucking motion. The importance of the energy-matching concept considering the subsequent energy-driven electronic modules is emphasized. This insight offers valuable design principles for the effective energy-centric co-design of cyber-electromechanically coupled self-powered IoT systems.

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