
Green fuels are steadily gaining prominence as the energy sector moves towards the alternate energy resources. Fuels derived from biomass conversion can fulfill many folds need including transportation and electricity generation. Conversion technologies and biomass resources are being extensively researched to commercialize the processes. Among all the different biomass feedstocks being studied, algal biomass generation and subsequent conversion to biofuel have gained much importance in recent years due to its faster harvesting, CO2 neutral generation and usage, a lesser requirement for land and large lipid content. However, there are many technical barriers to the growth as well as lipid extraction like huge water and nutrients requirements, proper harvesting environment, energy requirements for drying and economics. These technical and financial aspects are few major challenges in its commercial viability. This paper analyzes the energy and economic requirements for algal biomass and biofuel production. The paper studied both open ponds and closed photo-bioreactors (PBR) and appreciates that “open ponds” are more viable commercially compared to PBRs. Major government policy interventions, financial subsidies and industry acceptances are important in deciding the future of algal-based green fuel technologies.

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