
Based on relativistic wave functions from multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock and configuration interaction calculations, E1, M1, E2, M2 transition rates, weighted oscillator strengths, and lifetimes are evaluated for the states of the (1s 2 )2s 2 2p 4 , 2s2p 5 , and 2p 6 configurations in all oxygen-like ions between F II and Kr XXIX. Valence and core-valence correlation effects were accounted for through single-double multireference (SD-MR) expansions to increasing sets of active orbitals. Computed energies are compared with the NIST recommended values, generally differing by less than 600 cm −1 . For some spectra, significantly larger differences are found and our results are in better agreement with Edlen interpolated values. For levels where experimental lifetimes are available, the agreement is within experimental uncertainty for all but a few lowly ionized spectra. Complete Online tables of energy levels and transition data are available.

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