
Utilizing the Risø bent crystal spectrometer, 47 transitions have been observed from 54 keV to ≈ 1 MeV from the reaction Nb 93(n,γ)Nb 94. These transitions determine the following levels in Nb 94 (energy in keV, spin-parity in parentheses): G.S. (6 +, ≈ 40.7 (3 +), 58.724 (4 +), 78.675 (7 +), 113.404 (5 +), 314.64 (5 +), ≈ 334 (2 +) and 640.5 (5 +). The 315 keV and 641 keV states probably correspond primarily to the J = 3 2 state of the three neutron configuration coupling to the g 9 2 proton configuration. The other six states result primarily from the coupling of the J = 5 2 state of the three neutron configuration and the g 9 2 proton configuration. Energies of the levels and transition probability ratios are consistent with this interpretation.

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