
Field experiments were conducted. to study the residual effect of three rice establishment methods (SRI, drum seeding and conventional transplanting) and three nutrient management practices (RDF (80:40:40 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha -1 ), 50% R.D.F. + 50% R.D.F. through organic sources (based on nitrogen requirement) i.e. INM and 100% RDF through organic management (OM)) and direct effect of three nutrient management practices viz. RDF (20:40:40 N: P2O5: K2O kg ha -1 ), 50% RDF + Biofertlizer (BF) and no fertilizer on energetics of greengram in a rice-greengram cropping system during rabi seasons of 2009-10 and 2010-11. The design was split plot in kharif and split-split plot in rabi with treatments replicated thrice. Methods of rice establishment did not influence the yield and energetics of subsequent greengram. Residual effect of sole organic nutrient management being at par with integrated nutrient management came out to be the best in terms of yield and energy indices like energy output, energy productivity and energy ratio. 50% RDF + BF application to greengram recorded the highest seed yield (930 kg ha -1 ). This treatment also recorded the highest energy output (55.7 MJx10 3 ), energy productivity (247.3 Kg/MJ x 10 3 ) and energy ratio(14.81). India is the highest producer as well as consumer of pulses in the world and contributes 25.5% of total global pulse production (GOI, 2013). Greengram (Vigna radiata L.) is the third important pulse crop of India grown in nearly 8 per cent of the total pulse area of the country. In Odisha, greengram is cultivated in an area of 0.836 million ha with a production of 0.362 million tonnes and productivity of only 434 kg ha -1 (OAS, 2010- 11). It is grown mainly in rabi and summer seasons after harvest of rice. Rice-greengram cropping system is the most important cropping system in vogue in North Central Plateau Zone of Odisha. Method of stand establishment is one cultural practice which influences the performance of rice through its effect on growth and development. However, the information on response of greengram to residual effects of rice crop establishment methods and direct as well as residual effects of nutrient management practices in rice-greengram cropping system is limited. Further the study of energetics, which is relatively a stable index unlike economics of production, assumes paramount importance in the present era of energy crisis. It is an approach to gauge, quantify and determine relationship between input and output to augment energy use efficiency and crop productivity. Keeping these things in view the present experiment was conducted to study the energetics of greengram production in relation to residual effect of rice establishment methods and direct as well as residual effect of nutrient management practices in rice-greengram cropping system.

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