
Summary 1Energetic trade-offs are those compromises that appear when the energy budget of an individual's life history closely matches or exceeds the net available energy in the environment in a given moment. In these situations, two or more functions can compete and organisms face physiological decisions in order to survive and reproduce. 2In insects, one of the most costly investments is flight capacity, which increases dispersal capacity but is energetically expensive. Adult sand crickets (Gryllus firmus) can vary drastically in this capacity, being macropterous or micropterous depending on whether they exhibit flight-capable wings. However, this binary phenotype has a continuous subjacent determinant in the macropterous morph which is the mass of the muscles that power flight, the dorso-longitudinal muscles (DLM). 3Using respirometric measurements, we studied a potential trade-off between body parts, the mass of the DLM and energy metabolism (including both maximum and average metabolism). By recording the metabolic rate of c. 180 crickets and then dissecting and weighing their body parts, we took advantage of the correlational structure to infer associations between energetic and morphological variables. We found that the residual mass of the DLM shows a quadratic relationship with residual resting and average metabolism: at low DLM mass there is a negative relationship, which becomes positive at higher DLM mass. 4We suggest that this pattern of covariance is a consequence of the negative correlation between DLM mass and gonad mass, and the relative contribution of functional vs. non-functional DLM. Then, by using energetics and a combination of multivariate and correlational statistics we were able to show how two important life-history functions (i.e. Dispersal and fecundity) compete for the same resources in an insect species.

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