
Introduction: Women make up an increasing portion of the physician workforce in anesthesia, but they are consistently under-represented in academic anesthesiology and leadership positions. The objective of this study is to provide a current update on the role of women in anesthesiology in Belgrade, Serbia. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted during September and October 2013 amongst anesthesiologists at ten tertiary health care institutions in Belgrade. The study population was 272 anesthesiologists. Participants' consent and ethical approval were obtained. The questionnaire captured basic sociodemographic and work-related characteristic information: age, sex, level of academic and professional postgraduate education, the managerial position of the section or department. Sociodemographic characteristics were tested in relation to sex by Pearson's chi-squared test. Results: The response rate was 76.2%. Over two-thirds (70.7%) of respondents were women. One-third of female participants (34.5%) and 23.3% of male participants had obtained additional academic achievements; 35.2% of female participants and 40.0 % of male participants had been in managerial positions. Statistically significant gender discrepancies in the additional academic education and upper-rank leadership positions were not detected. Conclusion: Female anesthesiologists in Serbia have achieved parity with men in the highest academic ranks and leadership positions. These women may play an important role in mentoring future generations of female physicians and inspiring them to achieve their professional goals.


  • Women make up an increasing portion of the physician workforce in anesthesia, but they are consistently under-represented in academic anesthesiology and leadership positions

  • The objective of this study is to provide a current update on the role of women in anesthesiology in Belgrade, Serbia

  • One-third of female participants (34.5%) and 23.3% of male participants had obtained additional academic achievements; 35.2% of female participants and 40.0 % of male participants had been in managerial positions

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Uvod: Broj žena među anesteziolozima beleži ushodni trend u svetu. Uprkos tome, nedovoljna je zastupljenost žena na akademskim i rukovodećim pozicijama u anesteziologiji. Cilj ove studije je da odredi ulogu žena koje su po specijalnosti anesteziolozi i koje su zaposlene u bolnicama u Beogradu. Posebno dizajniran upitnik je sadržao dve varijable koje su se odnosile na osnovne sociodemografske podatke (pol i starost) i dve varijable koje su se odnosile na dodatno akademsko i strukovno obrazovanje ispitanika, kao i na iskustvo u radu na rukovodećim pozicijama. Jedna trećina žena (34,5%) i 23,3% muškaraca učesnika studije imalo je dodatno akademsko obrazovanje; 35,2% žena i 40,0% muškaraca imalo je iskusvo u radu na rukovodećim pozicijama. Nije nađena statistički značajna razlika u odnosu na iskustvo u radu na rukovodećim pozicijama i dodatno akademsko obrazovanje između muškaraca i žena. Zaključak: Žene anesteziolozi su postigle paritet sa muškarcima u najvišim akademskim zvanjima i na rukovodećim mestima u Beogradu.

Iskustvo u radu na rukovodećoj poziciji da ne
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