
OZET 1979-1986 yillari arasinda I.U.Dishek.Fak.Agiz, Dis, Cene Hastaliklari ve Cerrahisi Anabilim Dali'na tedavi icin basvuran 1283 kist vakasinin kist tipi, yas, cinsiyet ve yerlesim bolgelerine gore dagilimlari istatistiksel acidan degerlendirilerek, kaynak bilgilerle tartismasi yapilmistir. Arastirmamizda kistlerin % 96,88'ini odontojen % 3,12' sini nonodontojen kistler olusturmus, odontojen kistlere de sirasiyla en cok radikuler, residuel, folikuler kistler olarak rastlanmistir. Radikuler ve folikuler kistlerin dagilimi 40 yasin altinda, residuel kistler ise 40 yasin uzerinde istatistiksel acidan ileri derecede anlamli olarak bulunmustur. Radikuler kistler ust cene on bolgede, folikuler kistler alt ve ust cenede arka bolgelerde, residuel kistler ise, ust cene arka bolgede daha sik yerlesim gostermislerdir. SUMMARY 1283 cyst cases inspected in the Department of Oral Surgery in the Faculty of Dentistry of Istanbul University between the years 1979-1986 were evaluated statistically according to cyst type, localization, age and sex; and they were discussed with respect to the referances . In our research, 96,88 % of the cysts were odontogenic, while 3,12 % were nonodontogenic. The odontogenic cysts were found in the following order: radicular, residual and follicular. The occurrences of radicular and follicular cysts were found to be statistically significant in people under the age of AO. The occurrence of residual cysts in people over the age of 40 was also found to be statistically significant. Radicular cysts were mostly located in the incisive region of the upper jaw. Follicular cysts were often located in the posterior regions of the maxilla and the mandible. Residual cysts were located in the posterior regions of the upper jaw.

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