
<p><strong>Aim:</strong> The study was designed to evaluate the possibility and safety of transcatheter closure of postinfarction ventricular septal defects in different periods after acute myocardial infarction.<br /><strong>Methods:</strong> Over a period from 2010 to 2015 15 patients (11 females and 4 males) underwent transcatheter closure of postinfarction ventricular septal defects. The time from the onset of infarction to the intervention varied between 1 day and 6 months (mean 10.9 weeks). Three patients were treated in an acute phase of infarction (two weeks or less). The defect size ranged 7-24 mm (mean 13.5 mm), while the implanted devices sized 12-34 mm (mean 22.8 mm). The procedure and screening time amounted to 67-170 (mean 115.3) and 14-78 (mean 32.5) minutes respectively.<br /><strong>Results:</strong> A successful device implantation occurred in all but one patient whose occluder was dislodged. This patient later underwent successful surgical VSD closure. Occluder implantation failed to improve the clinical status of two patients in a critical condition. They developed multiple organ failure and died at 2 and 9 days after the procedure.<br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Transcatheter closure of postinfarction ventricular septal defects may be an alternative to surgery in patients with suitable anatomy and multiple comorbidities. However, in-hospital mortality remains high, even after successful occluder implantation.</p>


  • Оценить возможность и безопасность транскатетерного закрытия постинфарктных дефектов межжелудочковой перегородки в различные сроки после острого инфаркта миокарда

  • The time from the onset of infarction to the intervention varied between 1 day

  • Three patients were treated in an acute phase of infarction

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Эндоваскулярное лечение постинфарктных дефектов межжелудочковой перегородки

© Хелимский Д.А.1, Крестьянинов О.В.1, Осиев А.Г.2, Шермук А.А.1, Гранкин Д.С.1, Кретов Е.И.1, Ибрагимов Р.У.1, Байструков В.И.1, Ким Е.М.1, Марченко А.В.1, Зубарев Д.Д.1, Редькин Д.А.1, Нарышкин И.А.1, Найденов Р.А.1, Покушалов Е.А.1, Караськов А.М.1. Оценить возможность и безопасность транскатетерного закрытия постинфарктных дефектов межжелудочковой перегородки в различные сроки после острого инфаркта миокарда

Материал и методы
Постинфарктный дефект межжелудочковой перегородки фаркт миокарда
Сердечная недостаточность по NYHA
MemoPart ASD
Список литературы
Endovascular treatment of postinfarction ventricular septal defects
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