
Endovascular treatment of fenestration-related aneurysms (FAs) is prone to technical challenges, given the inherent complexities. Herein, we have analyzed FAs in terms of angioarchitectural characteristics and outcomes achieved through endovascular intervention. Data accrued prospectively between January 2002 and July 2020 were productive of 105 FAs in 103patients, each classifiable by the nature of incorporated vasculature as proximal portion, fenestrated limb, or distal end. Our investigation focused on clinical and morphological outcomes, with emphasis on technical aspects of treatment. The FAs selected for study originated primarily in anterior communicating artery (AcomA: 88/105, 83.8%), followed by basilar (7/105, 6.7%), anterior cerebral (4/105, 3.8%), and internal carotid (3/105, 2.8%) arteries. In nearly all locations, proximally situated aneurysms (43/105, 41%) were more frequent than aneurysms arising at distal ends (3/105, 2.8%), but the majority of AcomA lesions involved fenestrated segments (58/88, 65.9%); and most fenestrated channels (90/105, 85.7%) were asymmetric in size. Orifices of smaller fenestrated limbs were intentionally compromised during coil embolization in 23aneurysms (21.9%), achieving complete (n = 19) or incomplete (n = 4) compromise, without resultant symptomatic ischemia. Saccular occlusion proved satisfactory in 77lesions (73.3%). In follow-up monitoring of 100patients for amean period of 35.3 ± 26.5months, 17instances of recanalization (17.0%) occurred (minor,9; major,8). There was no recanalization of aneurysms with compromised limbs. Coil embolization of FAs is safe and effective, enabling tailored procedures that accommodate aberrant angioanatomic configurations. Compromise of asingle limb during coiling also appears safe, conferring long-term protection from recanalization.

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