
The stapedial artery is an embryonic artery that transiently supplies the cranial vasculature of the human embryo. Postnatal persistence of the stapedial artery may cause conductive hearing loss and pulsatile tinnitus due to its course through the middle ear. We describe a patient with a persistent stapedial artery (PSA) managed by endovascular coil occlusion prior to stapedotomy. A 48-year-old woman presented with left-sided conductive hearing loss and pulsatile tinnitus. Ten years earlierthe patient had undergone explorative tympanoplasty, which was aborted due to a large PSA. Digital subtraction angiography was performed to confirm the anatomy and endovascular occlusion of the proximal PSA was achieved by deployment of coils. The pulsatile tinnitus improved immediately after the procedure. The size of the artery subsequently decreased and surgery could be performed with only a minor intraoperative bleeding. Successful stapedotomy resulted in postoperative normalization of her hearing with some minor residual tinnitus. Endovascular coil occlusion of a PSA is feasible and safe in patients with favorable anatomy and facilitates middle ear surgery. It decreases the size of the artery and minimizes the risk of intraoperative bleeding in patients with a large PSA. Thefuture role of this novel technique in the management of patients with PSA-related conductive hearing loss and pulsatile tinnitus remains to be determined.

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