
Allergens like endotoxin and mite allergen Der p 1 are associated with early wheezing and asthma morbidity. Day-care centers can be an important source of exposure to allergens. The aim of this study was to evaluate children's exposure to endotoxin and mite allergen (Der p 1) associated with total suspended particulate matter (TSP) and settled dust in day-care centers in two phases in years of 2015 and 2016 in Tehran city, Iran. Endotoxin and mite allergen Der p 1 in TSP and settled dust were measured in 23day-care centers in Tehran. After collecting dust samples and weighting them, and then their extraction, Endotoxin and Der p 1 allergen were determined using QCL-1000 Endpoint chromogenic LAL Assay and ELISA, respectively. The mean concentrations of endotoxin and mite allergen Der p 1 in settled dust were 0.3 EU/mg and 0.2ng/mg, respectively. The mean concentration of endotoxin and mite allergen Der p 1 in indoor air TSP were 0.8 EU/m3 and 0.4ng/m3, respectively. A significant negative correlation was found between endotoxin both in settled dust and in TSP with measured relative humidity in winter. Also, moderate correlation was observed between Der p 1 in settled dust and relative humidity in winter; however, the correlation between allergen in TSP and relative humidity was not significant. Day-care centers can be an important source of endotoxin and Der p 1 allergen, so, implementation of proper interventions in these places can reduce exposure to them.

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