
As many as 101 patients with acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) aged 3 months to 3 years are examined, of these in 51 patients the disease going with bronchoobstructive syndrome. According to the level of antiendotoxinal antibodies, plasma endotoxin and that connected by polymorphonuclear leukocytes, it is established that the acute period of acute respiratory viral infections with bronchoobstructive syndrome goes in the presence of pronounced cellularly connected endotoxinemy. The exact dependence is revealed between plasma endotoxin content and pronounced physical variations in respiratory organs in this form of the disease. Viral and bacterial nature of respiratory infections in children is confirmed by the assessment of the level of antiviral and antiendotoxinal antobodies. The data obtained allow suggesting the possible participation of endotoxin in genesis of bronchial obstruction in acute respiratory viral infections.

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