
Abstract A description is provided for Endothia gyrosa . Information is included on the disease caused by the organism, its transmission, geographical distribution, and hosts. HOSTS: Castanea spp., Eucalyptus diversicolor, Fagus americana, F. sylvatica, Ilex opaca, Liquidambar formosana, L. styraciflua, Quercus spp., Ulmus americana, Vitis spp. DISEASE: Sunken cankers occur at wounds or branch stubs on stems, branches and roots. Affected areas are typically covered with orange stromata. Girdling results in death of the distal portions of the tree and sprouting below the canker is common. Cracking of the bark, purple stain and resin flow are pronounced on Liquidambar . Van Arsdel (1972) refers to the disease as hobnail canker on oak. Early descriptions suggest that the organism is a weak wound pathogen. More recent reports show that the disease is serious on species of Quercus (Stipes & Phipps, 1971; Van Arsdel, 1972) and L. formosana in the USA (Snow et al. , 1974). GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Throughout the eastern USA and in Texas, Kansas and California. Reported from Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, China, Ceylon, Philippines, New Zealand. TRANSMISSION: Pycnidiospores are presumably transmitted by insects and splashing rain; pruning tools would likely spread this spore stage because infection occurs in wounds. Ascospores are assumed to be windborne.

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