
Tumor growth depends on the formation of blood vessels that provide the supply of nutrients and oxygen. Previous data have shown that glioblastoma stem cells are able to give rise to vascular cells to constitute the functional vessels in tumor tissues. However, which kinds of vascular cells are generated from glioblastoma stem cells is largely debated. In addition, there is little evidence showing that the stem cells from other kinds of tumors can produce vascular cells to constitute the functional blood vessels in tumor tissues. Here we show that cancer stem cells of human colorectal carcinomas (CoCSC) can give rise to vascular endothelial cells and compose the vasculatures in cancer tissues. The human‐cell‐specific nuclear antigen NuMA + vascular endothelial cells were detected in the blood vessels in xenografts derived from CoCSC. NuMA + endothelial cells incorporated into functional blood vessels. Our data indicate that the cancer stem cells derived from human colorectal carcinomas have the capacity to generate functional blood vessels and provide a new mechanism for tumor vasculogenesis in carcinoma.

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