
It has been suggested that increasing levels of shear stress could modify endothelial permeability. This might be critical in venous grafting and in the pathogenesis of certain vascular diseases. We present a novel setup based on impedance spectroscopy that allows online investigation of the transendothelial electrical resistance (TER) under pure laminar shear stress. Shear stress–induced change in TER was associated with changes in cell motility and cell shape as a function of time (morphodynamics) and accompanied by a reorganization of catenins that regulate endothelial adherens junctions. Confluent cultures of porcine pulmonary trunk endothelial cells typically displayed a TER between 6 and 15 Ωcm2 under both resting conditions and low shear stress levels (0.5 dyn/cm2). Raising shear stress to the range of 2 to 50 dyn/cm2 caused a transient 2% to 15% increase in TER within 15 minutes that was accompanied by a reduction in cell motility. Subsequently, TER slowly decreased to a minimum of 20% below the starting value. During this period, acceleration of shape change occurred. In the ensuing period, TER values recovered, reaching control levels within hours and associated with an entire deceleration of shape change. A heterogeneous distribution of α-, β-, and γ-catenin, main components of the endothelial adherens type junctions, was also observed, indicating a differentiated regulation of shear stress–induced junction rearrangement. Additionally, catenins were partly colocalized with β-actin at the plasma membrane, indicating migration activity of these subcellular parts. Shear stress, even at peak levels of 50 dyn/cm2, did not cause intercellular gap formation. These data show that endothelial monolayers exposed to increased levels of laminar shear stress respond with a shear stress–dependent regulation of permeability and a reorganization of junction-associated proteins, whereas monolayer integrity remains unaffected.

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