
Aims and Objectives: Actinidic archaea has been related to the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, malignancy, metabolic syndrome x, autoimmune disease and neuronal degeneration. Archaea have got ecto ATPases. EctoATPases convert ATP to ADP and AMP. ATP functions as purinergic neurotransmitter regulating multiple cell functions. 5′AMP activates the metabolic gauge AMP kinase. Archaeal digoxin produces membrane sodium potassium ATPase inhibition. Membrane sodium potassium ATPase in the setting of digoxin induced inhibition can synthesize ATP. This ATP can serve as a substrate for ectoATPase and functions as a archaeal signalling molecule. The RBC membrane sodium potassium ATPase mediated ATP synthesis and archaeal ectoATPase activity was assessed in the above mentioned disorders. Methodology: The following groups were included in the study:- endomyocardial fibrosis, alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, non-hodgkin’s lymphoma, metabolic syndrome x with cerebrovascular thrombosis and coronary artery disease, schizophrenia, autism, seizure disorder, creutzfeldt jakob disease and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Plasma from fasting heparinised blood was used and the experimental protocol was as follows (I) Plasma+phosphate buffered saline, (II) same as I+cholesterol substrate, (III) same as II+rutile 0.1 mg/ml, (IV) same as II+ciprofloxacine and doxycycline each in a concentration of 1 mg/ml. The following three estimations were carried out:- Cytochrome F420 and ectoATPase activity. RBCs from the patient’s blood were separated within 1 hour of collection of blood and ATP synthesis activity was assessed in the presence of added digoxin to produce a concentration 12.2 ng/dl. Results: Plasma of control subjects showed increased levels of the above mentioned parameters with after incubation for 1 hour and addition of cholesterol substrate resulted in still further significant increase in these parameters. The plasma of patients showed similar results but the extent of increase was more. The addition of antibiotics to the control plasma caused a decrease in all the parameters while addition of rutile increased their levels. The addition of antibiotics and rutile to the patient’s plasma produced the same changes but the extent of change was more in patient’s sera as compared to controls. There was RBC membrane ATP synthesis in the patient population in the presence of added digoxin indicating membrane sodium potassium ATPase mediated ATP synthesis. Conclusion: An actinide dependent shadow biosphere of archaea in the above mentioned disease states is described. There was RBC membrane sodium potassium ATPase mediated ATP synthesis and serum archaeal ectoATPase activity in the patients with schizophrenia, malignancy, metabolic syndrome x, autoimmune disease and neuronal degeneration. The ectoATPase can degrade the RBC membrane synthesized ATP to 5’AMP which can activate AMPK producing metabolic integration. The membrane sodium potassium ATPase synthesized ATP acts as a purinergic transmitter regulating immunity, neural function and cell differentitation/death. Key words: Actinide; Archaea; Extracellular ATP; Sodium potassium ATPase; EctoATPases; AMPK; purinergic transmission

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