
Double fertilization in angiosperms results in the formation of a second zygote, the fertilized endosperm. Unlike its embryo sibling, the endosperm is a transient structure that eventually undergoes developmentally controlled programmed cell death (PCD) at specific time points of seed development or germination. The nature of endosperm PCD exhibits a considerable diversity, both across different angiosperm taxa and within distinct endosperm tissues. In endosperm-less species, PCD might cause central cell degeneration as a mechanism preventing the formation of a fertilized endosperm. In most other angiosperms, embryo growth necessitates the elimination of surrounding endosperm cells. Nevertheless, complete elimination of the endosperm is rare, and in most cases, specific endosperm tissues persist. In mature seeds, these persisting cells may be dead, such as the starchy endosperm in cereals, or remain alive to die only during germination, like the cereal aleurone or the endosperm of castor beans. In this review, we explore the current knowledge surrounding the cellular, molecular, and genetic aspects of endosperm PCD, and the influence environmental stresses have on PCD processes. Overall, this review provides an exhaustive overview of endosperm PCD processes in angiosperms, shedding light on its diverse mechanisms and its significance in seed development and seedling establishment.

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