
We discuss how ophthalmic endoscopy was used in the management of 6 cases with atypical uveitis glaucoma hyphema syndrome. For case 1, the endoscope was used to remove a retained haptic foreign body after an intraocular lens (IOL) exchange with an iris-sutured IOL for a complete capsular bag-IOL complex dislocation. In case 2, the endoscope was key in identifying the presence and location of vascular lesions at the site of previous pars plana sclerotomies. In case 3, the endoscope enabled visualization of a large segmental Soemmering's Ring pushing a 3-piece IOL haptic into the posterior iris. For case 4, the endoscope allowed viewing of the sharp edge of the optic where the haptic of a one-piece lens had been amputated, and the sharp edge of the cut optic was anteriorly oriented and continuing to rub the posterior iris. In case 5, the endoscope confirmed the presence of 1 haptic of a 1-piece lens out of the capsular bag and in the sulcus space. Also, it showed that the capsular bag had inadequate zonular support to attempt repositioning the haptic into the bag. In case 6, the endoscope was helpful in identifying a 1-piece plate haptic IOL in the sulcus, with synechiae and anterior location causing iris bulging inferiorly.

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