
Incomplete piecemeal EMR of large, sessile/flat colon polyps results in polyp recurrence, with massive submucosal scarring making subsequent attempts at endoscopic resection problematic. We report our experience with a new endoscopic mucosal ablation (EMA) technique that can be used to complement the eradication of recurrent fibrotic colon polyps. Single-center, retrospective case series. Tertiary-care referral academic endoscopy unit. This study involved consecutive patients referred for endoscopic excision of recurrent benign colon polyps with severe submucosal fibrosis (>30% of the entire lesion). Application of high-power argon plasma coagulation (APC), preceded by injection of a submucosal fluid cushion (normal saline/diluted adrenaline and/or sodium hyaluronate solution) to protect the muscle layer, was performed to augment further piecemeal EMR and polyp eradication. Technical safety and success, complication and recurrence rates. Fourteen patients (mean age 73 years; 9 men, 5 women) with 15 recurrent colon adenomas (mean polyp size 30 mm, 9 proximal/6 distal) were included. EMA with a mean APC power setting of 55 W was applied. Complete polyp eradication was achieved in 9 of 11 patients (82%) at first or second completed follow-up. One patient needed laparoscopic colectomy because of cancer, and 1 underwent transanal endoscopic microsurgery for benign massive recurrence. The other 3 patients with small, easily treatable recurrence (≤3 mm) were followed by 1-year-surveillance. No perforations and no postpolypectomy syndrome were reported. Single-center, nonrandomized case series with short duration follow-up. EMA appears to be a safe and easily applicable technique to assist the complete eradication of recurrent fibrotic colon polyps.

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