
Various endoscopic spinal surgery techniques to remove herniated discs in the lumbar spine have gained popularity. The “inside-out” and “outside-in” transforaminal techniques have been employed extensively, and their clinical indications have expanded with the advances in video-imaging and endoscopic optical and surgical equipment. In this chapter, the authors review some of the relevant anatomical considerations the endoscopic spine surgeon should consider when scheduling a patient for endoscopic spinal surgery. The authors also present their most up-to-date knowledge of technological advances and new endoscopic surgery techniques to provide the reader with a snapshot of modern advancements of the established transforaminal “inside-out” and “outside-in” and interlaminar methods. This chapter sets the anatomical stage for many of the following chapters in this volume 2 of the Bentham text series on Contemporary Endoscopic Spinal Surgery.<br>

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