
Objective To describe a novel technique for lateral graft tympanoplasty. Study Design Case series with chart review. Setting Tertiary care university hospital. Subjects and Methods Pediatric and adult patients with tympanic membrane perforations deemed unfavorable for a medial graft technique due to the perforation characteristics or myringitis. Results Between 2014 and 2016, 34 ears from 31 patients underwent a transcanal endoscopic lateral cartilage graft tympanoplasty. The mean age was 24.4 years (range, 6-71 years), and 22 patients (65%) were younger than 18 years. All patients had tympanic membrane perforations. Eighteen patients (53%) had total or near-total perforations, leaving a minimal anterior remnant, and 16 patients (47%) had extensive myringitis. A bisected tragal cartilage-perichondrium shield graft was used in 33 patients (97%). The mean (SD) follow-up length was 9.8 (5.7) months. Initial perforation closure rate was 88.2% (30/34). Three of the persistent perforations underwent a revision endoscopic medial graft tympanoplasty with successful closure, leaving a final closure rate of 97.1% (33/34). Five patients (15%) required topical therapy for postoperative myringitis. Mean (SD) pure-tone average and air-bone gap significantly improved by 11.5 (10.7) dB ( P < .001) and 11.4 (10.6) dB ( P < .001), respectively. Twenty-seven patients (79%) closed their air-bone gap within 20 dB. Conclusion Transcanal endoscopic lateral cartilage graft tympanoplasty is feasible, and initial data support favorable outcomes. Further data are necessary for evaluation of long-term results and efficacy comparisons.

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