
Surgical approaches to the petrous apex region are extremely challenging; while subtemporal approaches and variations represent the milestone of the surgical modules to reach such deep anatomical target, in a constant effort to develop minimally invasive neurosurgical routes, the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA) has been tested to get a viable corridor to the petroclival junction. Lately, another ventral endoscopic minimally invasive route, i.e., the superior eyelid endoscopic transorbital approach, has been proposed to access the most lateral aspect of the skull base, including the petrous apex region. Our anatomic study aims to compare and combine such two endoscopic minimally invasive pathways to get full access to the petrous apex. Three-dimensional reconstructions and quantitative and morphometric data have been provided. Five human cadaveric heads (10 sides) were dissected. The lab rehearsals were run as follows: (i) preliminary pre-operative CT scans of each specimen, (ii) pre-dissection planning of the petrous apex removal and its quantification, (iii) petrous apex removal via endoscopic endonasal route, (iv) post-operative CT scans, (v) petrous apex removal via endoscopic transorbital route, and (v) final post-operative CT scan with quantitative analysis. Neuronavigation was used to guide all dissections. The two endoscopic minimally invasive pathways allowed a different visualization and perspective of the petrous apex, and its surrounding neurovascular structures. After both corridors were completed, a communication between the surgical pathways was highlighted, in a so-called connection area, surrounded by the following important neurovascular structures: anteriorly, the internal carotid artery and the Gasserian ganglion; laterally, the internal acoustic canal; superiorly, the abducens nerve, the trigeminal root, and the tentorium cerebelli; inferomedially, the remaining clivus and the inferior petrosal sinus; and posteriorly, the exposed area of the brainstem. Used in a combined fashion, such multiportal approach provided a total of 97% of petrous apex removal. In particular, the transorbital route achieved a mean of 48.3% removal in the most superolateral portion of the petrous apex, whereas the endonasal approach provided a mean of 48.7% bone removal in the most inferomedial part. The difference between the two approaches was found to be not statistically significant (p= 0.67). The multiportal combined endoscopic endonasal and transorbital approach to the petrous apex provides an overall bone removal volume of 97% off the petrous apex. In this paper, we highlighted that it was possible to uncover a common path between these two surgical pathways (endonasal and transorbital) in a so-called connection area. Potential indications of this multiportal approach may be lesions placed in or invading the petrous apex and petroclival regions that can be inadequately reached via transcranial paths or via an endonasal endoscopic route alone.

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