
Many groups of microorganisms have been studied for their benefits towards humankind due to their capacity to produce natural compounds that can be valorized in many economic sectors such as agriculture. Due to the extensive use of chemicals pesticides and fertilizers, current agriculture systems facing several major problems such as emergence of resistant in pathogens and pests, soil infertility and bioaccumulation of toxic residues in the environment and particularly in foods which negatively affects human health. The use of natural products harmless to plants, humans and biodegradable constitute a promising way to overcome these problems. Modern agriculture systems are moving toward the use of beneficial microorganisms isolated from the soil, plant surfaces and inside tissues for developing eco-friendly products such as biofertilizers and biopesticides. Recent literatures show that colonization of plants by endophytes is the rule in nature and endophyte-free plant is a rare exception. Endophytes are microbes living inside plant tissues and supporting them in growth and development, as well as stresses tolerance without causing any apparent disease symptom. Abiotic stresses have a great impact on growth, production and health of plants. Many literatures show the role of endophytes in abiotic stress tolerance as well as mechanisms involved to cope with these constraints via the induction of stress-related genes and molecules. This review provides a summary of literature on how endophytes modulate plant growth and responses to abiotic stresses which may help to better understand their role in plant adaptation to environmental constraints and valorize their use in agriculture.

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