
Alternative splicing (AS) of transcripts is a well-recognized phenomenon in plants. Several studies have shown that the frequency of AS events are significantly enhanced in plants subjected to abiotic stresses, presumably as an adaptation to increase transcript diversity. In this study, we examine the effect of a salt tolerant endophytic fungus, Fusarium sp. on the AS events of IR-64 rice plants, under salinity stress. RNA seq data generated from rice plants, treated and not treated with Fusarium sp. respectively and subjected to 150 mM salinity stress was used to analyze the number and type of AS events and their chromosomal distribution using approriate bioinformatics pipeline. Besides, we also annotated the locus IDs of genes for gene enrichment and KEGG pathway analysis. Our results show an unequivocal decrease in the number of AS events under salinity stress as influenced by the endophyte. The average AS events per gene also decreased from 2.28 to 2.11 upon colonization by the endophyte. This is the first documented evidence of an endophyte-induced alteration in the frequency of alternative splicing event in plants subjected to salinity stress. The exact mechanisms through which the splicing activities are restrained, however need to be further investigated.

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