
This chapter discusses the chemistry of the enzymatic reactions and the enzymes as well as their roles and regulations. Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced in a stoichiometric ratio through heme oxygenase (HO)-mediated degradation of the heme prosthetic group of hemoproteins such as Hb. The chapter focuses on CO production by HO-mediated heme degradation and other pathways. The manifestation of endogenous CO production in healthy adults, neonates, pregnant women, during exercise, and under different pathological conditions is discussed in detail. While the origin of endogenously produced CO arises primarily from heme catabolism, other sources such as induction of P450 are also discussed. Circulating CO in the human body may also arise from sources independent of host heme catabolism as indicated by around 12.3% deficit in comparing CO production and the stoichiometric formation of nonvolatile components from heme degradation reactions.

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