
Although first discovered in viruses, previous studies have identified operational −1 ribosomal frameshifting (−1 RF) signals in eukaryotic genomic sequences, and suggested a role in mRNA stability. Here, four yeast −1 RF signals are shown to promote significant mRNA destabilization through the nonsense mediated mRNA decay pathway (NMD), and genetic evidence is presented suggesting that they may also operate through the no-go decay pathway (NGD) as well. Yeast EST2 mRNA is highly unstable and contains up to five −1 RF signals. Ablation of the −1 RF signals or of NMD stabilizes this mRNA, and changes in −1 RF efficiency have opposing effects on the steady-state abundance of the EST2 mRNA. These results demonstrate that endogenous −1 RF signals function as mRNA destabilizing elements through at least two molecular pathways in yeast. Consistent with current evolutionary theory, phylogenetic analyses suggest that −1 RF signals are rapidly evolving cis-acting regulatory elements. Identification of high confidence −1 RF signals in ∼10% of genes in all eukaryotic genomes surveyed suggests that −1 RF is a broadly used post-transcriptional regulator of gene expression.

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