
Visuospatial attention is asymmetrically distributed with a leftward bias (i.e. pseudoneglect), while evidence for asymmetries in auditory spatial attention is still controversial. In the present study, we investigated putative asymmetries in the distribution of auditory spatial attention and the influence that visual information might have on its deployment. A modified version of the Posner task (i.e. the visuo-audio spatial task [VAST]) was used to investigate spatial processing of auditory targets when endogenous orientation of spatial attention was mediated by visual cues in healthy adults. A line bisection task (LBT) was also administered to assess the presence of a leftward bias in deployment of visuospatial attention. Overall, participants showed rightward and leftward biases in the VAST and the LBT, respectively. In the VAST, sound localization was enhanced by visual cues. Altogether, these findings support the existence of a facilitation effect for auditory targets originating from the right side of space and provide new evidence for crossmodal links in endogenous spatial attention between vision and audition.

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