
In humans up to 75% of newly generated B cells and about 30% of mature B cells exhibit some degree of autoreactivity1. Yet, how B cells establish and maintain tolerance in the face of autoantigen exposure during and after development is not certain. Studies of model BCR transgenic systems have highlighted the critical role played by functional unresponsiveness or ‘anergy’2,3. Unlike T cells, evidence suggests that receptor editing and anergy, rather than deletion, account for much of B cell tolerance4,5. However, it remains unclear whether the mature diverse B cell repertoire of mice contains anergic autoreactive B cells, and if so, whether antigen was encountered during or after their development. By taking advantage of a reporter mouse in which B cell antigen receptor (BCR) signaling rapidly and robustly induces GFP expression under the control of the Nur77 regulatory region, antigen-dependent and – independent BCR signaling events in vivo during B cell maturation were visualized. Here we show that B cells encounter antigen during development in the spleen, and that this antigen exposure in turn tunes the responsiveness of BCR signaling in B cells at least partly by down-modulating expression of surface IgM but not IgD BCRs, and by modifying basal calcium levels. By contrast, no analogous process occurs in naive mature T cells. Our data demonstrate not only that autoreactive B cells persist in the mature repertoire, but that functional unresponsiveness or ‘anergy’ exists in the mature B cell repertoire along a continuum, a fact that has long been suspected, but never yet shown. These results have important implications for understanding how tolerance in T and B cells is differently imposed, and how these processes might go awry in disease.

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