
General dental practitioners often perceive root canal treatments as complex, and specialist referrals are commonplace in general dental practice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to better understand the knowledge of Australian general dentists and their attitudes regarding endodontics in general, and specifically (RCT), to highlight barriers and facilitating factors in the provision of endodontic care. A combined paper-based and online survey was sent to general dental practitioners. The questionnaire consisted of 27 items, presented as checkboxes and in Likert scale format. Responses were tabled and statistically contrasted using Chi-square tests and linear regression analysis. A significant proportion of surveyed dentists were not confident in their ability to provide endodontic care, specifically root canal treatments (RCT). Confidence depended on factors, such as time in practice, participation in continuing professional development as well as fear of litigation and type of treatment. Other factors such as the availability of appropriate instruments and referral options, had comparatively little impact on practitioner confidence. While almost all general dental practitioners (GDPs) surveyed in this study believe RCT is important for improving the long-term retention of a tooth, just over half of the GDPs say they feel confident in their knowledge and provision of root canal treatment procedures.

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