
There is compelling evidence on a global scale for compromised growth and reproduction, altered development, and abnormal behaviour in feral fish that can be correlated or in some cases causally linked with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Attributing cause and effect relationships for EDCs is a specific challenge for studies with feral fish as many factors including food availability, disease, competition and loss of habitat also affect reproduction and development. Even in cases where there are physiological responses of fish exposed to EDCs (e.g., changes in reproductive hormone titres, vitellogenin levels), the utility of these measures in extrapolating to whole animal reproductive or developmental outcomes is often limited. Although fish differ from other vertebrates in certain aspects of their endocrinology, there is little evidence that fish are more sensitive to the effects of EDCs. Therefore, to address why endocrine disruption seems so widespread in fish, it is necessary to consider aspects of fish physiology and their environment that may increase their exposure to EDCs. Dependence on aquatic respiration, strategies for iono-osmotic regulation, and maternal transfer of contaminants to eggs creates additional avenues by which fish are exposed to EDCs. This paper provides an overview of responses observed in feral fish populations that have been attributed to EDCs and illustrates many of the factors that need consideration in evaluating the risks posed by these chemicals.

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