
The main objective of this study was to assess the endocrine stress response to multiple anaesthesia followed by sham anaesthesia in order to detect any memory effects. For this purpose, jugular-vein cannulated rats were subjected to either sham, diethyl-ether or halothane/O2/N2O anaesthesia, and their plasma ACTH, corticosterone, glucose, adrenaline and noradrenaline levels measured. The study had three separate experiments, each consisting of a control and treatment group. In two experiments, the rats were exposed to high or low concentrations (40-15%) of diethyl ether, using either a jar containing cotton soaked in diethyl ether or a vaporizer. In the third experiment, rats were exposed to halothane/O2/N2O. Control animals underwent sham anaesthesia. Blood samples were taken 6 min before and at 5, 15 and 55 min after starting the exposure (t = 0 min). For each variable, the dt5 (level at t = 5 min minus that at t = -6 min) and the cumulative levels over the one-hour period as determined by the area under the curve (AUC) were calculated. Further, the peak levels (Cmax) were determined. The mean time needed to induce anaesthesia was 68, 121 and 55 s for exposure to high and low concentrations of diethyl ether and to halothane/O2/N2O, respectively. Increased noradrenaline and adrenaline dt5 levels were observed only after the first exposure to the high concentration of diethyl ether. Multiple anaesthesia sessions using either diethyl ether or halothane/O2/N2O did not clearly influence adrenaline and noradrenaline levels. Diethyl ether induced a sharp rise in plasma ACTH and glucose levels, irrespective of the concentration used. The response of the ACTH and glucose was similar for single and multiple exposure. An increased response of ACTH, corticosterone and glucose to sham anaesthesia following multiple induction of anaesthesia was observed for the high concentration of diethyl ether only. Halothane/O2/N2O raised plasma glucose without differences between single and multiple anaesthesia sessions. Upon sham anaesthesia following multiple exposures to halothane/O2/N2O, glucose levels were significantly increased. This study indicates that repeated anaesthesia in rats can elicit an increased stress response during subsequent handling and change of environment.

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