
Many vertebrate species exhibit alternative phenotypes (or morphs), in which one sex displays phenotypic variation equal to or greater than the variation between the sexes. Males in such species typically display differences in reproductive strategies and morphology. Steroid hormones such as testosterone are known modulators of reproductive behavior and morphology and therefore are obvious candidates for the mediation of phenotypic differences between morphs. We conducted a year-round study in the white-throated sparrow ( Zonotrichia albicollis) that exhibits alternative phenotypes in plumage coloration and behavior in both sexes: during the breeding season, white-striped males and females are more aggressive and have higher song rates than tan-striped individuals. At the beginning of the breeding season, free-living white-striped males had higher plasma testosterone concentrations than tan-striped males. However, this finding might have been due to different social experiences because captive male morphs sampled at similar times of year did not differ in testosterone concentrations. Captive white-striped males had larger testis and cloacal protuberance sizes than tan-striped males, which might be related to the divergent mating strategies of the morphs. Male morphs showed similar increases in luteinizing hormone following injections of gonadotropin-releasing hormone, but white-striped males showed larger increases in testosterone, indicating differences between morphs in gonadal testosterone production. Females had low concentrations of testosterone, and morphs did not differ. Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) concentrations were elevated in both sexes and morphs during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. These data do not support the hypothesis that testosterone activates behavioral differences between alternative phenotypes in the white-throated sparrow. Alternative testable hypotheses include hormonal effects during early development and direct genetic effects.

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