
Fastidiously growing bacteria more and more are recognised as a source of infectious endocarditis. Over recent years, three new cases of endocarditis caused by Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans were diagnosed in our institution. The rise in frequency is possibly secondary to better laboratory skills. Two patients with Actinobacillus (Haemophilus) actinomycetemcomitans endocarditis presented the classical history of preexisting valvar disease together with poor dental hygiene. The third patient had no congenital or rheumatic preexisting lesion to the valves. The distal part of a ventriculo-atrial drainage device had caused microtrauma to the tricuspid valve. The right-sided endocarditis in this patient was complicated by pulmonary septic emboli. Dental origin of the infection was very likely in this patient too. No dental procedure had been performed in the months preceding the endocarditis of our three patients. They presented endocarditis with an oral microorganism in the absence of any dental manipulation. All three had very poor dental hygiene. Better dental care could possibly have prevented this serious complication.

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