
Cyst nematodes and root-knot nematodes elaborately transform cells within the vascular cylinders of plant roots into enlarged, multinucleate, and metabolically active feeding cells. The giant cells of root-knot nematodes are formed by repeated karyokinesis uncoupled from cytokinesis, whereas the syncytia formed by cyst nematodes arise from coordinated cell wall dissolution and the coalescing of cell cytoplasm of adjacent cells. Both giant cells and syncytia undergo extensive cell wall architectural modifications, including thickening and the formation of numerous ingrowths that increase the plasmalemma surface area for solute uptake. The origin of enzymes involved in these cell wall modifications has been the subject of debate for several decades. Immunolocalization of endo-beta-1,4-glucanases (EGases) secreted from cyst nematodes was observed in root cortical tissue during the intracellular migration of the nematodes, but secretion of cyst nematode EGases into developing syncytia was not detected. We have identified five EGase genes from tobacco that are upregulated within plant roots upon infection by both root-knot and cyst nematodes. In situ localization of tobacco EGase transcripts demonstrated that their expression was specifically and developmentally upregulated within giant cells, syncytia, root tips, and lateral root primordia. These data confirm that cell wall modifications within plant-parasitic-nematode feeding cells arise from cell wall-modifying enzymes of plant, rather than nematode, origin.

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