
This two-part series studies the anatomy of the endgame problem, the last part of the spacecraft trajectory before the orbit-insertion maneuver into the science orbit. The endgame provides large savings in the capture A v, and therefore it is an important element in the design of ESA and NASA missions to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. The endgame problem has been approached in different ways with different results: the ν ∞ -leveraging-maneuver approach leads to high-Δ ν, short-time-of-flight transfers, and the multibody technique leads to low-Δν, long-time-of-flight transfers. This paper series investigates the link between the two approaches, giving a new insight to the complex dynamics of the multibody gravity-assist problem. In this paper we focus on the multibody approach using a new graphical tool, the Tisserand-Poincare graph. The Tisserand-Poincare graph shows that ballistic endgames are energetically possible and it explains why they require resonant orbits patched with high-altitude flybys, whereas in the ν ∞ -leveraging-maneuver approach, flybys alone are not effective without impulsive maneuvers in between them. We then use the Tisserand-Poincare graph to design quasi-ballistic transfers. Unlike previous methods, the Tisserand-Poincare graph provides a valuable energy-based target point for the design of the endgame and begin-game and a simple way to patch them. Finally, we present two transfers. The first transfer is between low-altitude orbits at Europa and Ganymede using almost half the Δν of the Hohmann transfer; the second transfer is a 300-day quasi-ballistic transfer between halo orbits of the Jupiter-Ganymede and Jupiter-Europa. With approximately 50 m/s the transfer can be reduced by two months.

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