
Endangered Scholars Worldwide In each issue of Social Research we publish the names and details ofscholars, researchers, and students who have been threatened or imprisoned, along with ways to offer them support. Social Research wasfounded by a group ofscholars known as “The University in Exile,” refugeesfrom Nazi Europe whofound a home at The New School. We see this effort as consistent not only with our own history as a journal but with the need to call attention to the increasing and often brutal attempts to silence our colleagues around the world. Ifyou are aware ofa scholar or student whose case you believe we should investigate, please contact us at socres@newschool.edu. SCHOLARS AND RESEARCHERS: NEW AND CONTINUING CASES BAHRAIN JA LILA AL-SALMAN and M A H D I ‘iSSA M AH DI ABU D H EEB , both board members of the Bahrain Teachers Association, were arrested on charges of “inciting hatred against the regime” and “calling to overthrow and change the regime by force” following the group’s call for a teacher strike in March 2011. According to reports from Amnesty International, al-Salman was held in solitary confinement after her arrest and subject to about a week of beatings. Their trial, which began before a military court in June 2011, resumed on September 25, 2011. d r . a b d u l -j a u l a l -s i n g a c e , a previously featured professor of engineering at the University of Bahrain, began a hunger strike on September 2, 2011, along with several other prisoners to protest their imprisonment and the frequency of arbitrary detentions and unfair Information current, to the best of our knowledge, as of September 19, 2011. Additional information and more current information about many of these cases may be available on our website at social research Vol. 78 : No. 3 : Summer 2011 v trials in Bahrain. Al-Singace suffers from various ailments that heighten the seriousness of the risk to his health that a hunger strike poses. He was sentenced to life imprisonment on June 22, 2011, on charges of training and financing a terrorist organization. A previously featured scholar from Bahrain who remains detained without charge is d r . m a s a u d j a h r o m i , chairman of the department of telecommunications engineering, arrested without explanation on April 14, 2011. Appeals to: His Majesty Shaikh Hamad bin Issa A1 Khalifa King of Bahrain Office of His Majesty the King P. 0. Box 555 Rifa’a Palace, Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: + 973 1766 8884 His Excellency Dr Majid bin Ali Al-Naimi Minister of Education Ministry of Education Building A1 Istiklal Street P.O. Box 43 Isa Town Central, Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: +973 1768 7866 CHINA Writer and editor t a s h i r a b t e n (pen name Te’urang) was sentenced to four years’ imprisonment on June 2, 2011, for his critical political writings. He was arrested on April 6, 2010, and detained without charge until the trial, which took place behind closed doors. He is coeditor of a banned Tibetan-language magazine and author of a book and several articles critical of the Chinese government. Scholars featured in previous issues who remain in prison in China include l i u x i a o b o , a human rights activist and 2011 Nobel Peace Prize laureate held in an undisclosed location in Beijing since his arrest in December 2008 for “inciting subversion of state power”; GUO q u a n , a former literature professor at Nanjing Normal University, sentenced to His Excellency Shaikh Khalid bin Ali A1 Khalifa Ministry ofJustice and Islamic Affairs Diplomatic Area P.O. Box 450 Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain Fax: +973 1753 6343 Facebook group in support of Dr. Masaud Jahromi: vi social research 10 years in prison and three years of deprivation of political rights in October 2009 on charges of “inciting subversion of state power”; and z h e n g y i c h u n , professor of English at Liaoning University, arrested in the winter of 2004 and charged with “suspicion of inciting subversion of state power.” Appeals...

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