
In the story of creation (Gen. 1:26-2:3 and Gen. 2:4-25) the full emphasis falls firstly on the fact that man is the high point of Creation and then emphasis shifts to the fact that man represents the point of departure for history. On the one hand man is related to the lower orders of reality as he has been created out of the “dust of the earth” . On the other hand he should be distinguished on the grounds of principle as it emerges that he was created as the result of a deliberate mutual deliberation of the Trinity; God initiated his life by giving him breath; and it is of the greatest import that man was created in the image of God. As would appear from Genesis 5:3 where these same words are used in a reversed order, this double expression indicates that man was a likeness of God. This image has determined his humanity and has meant that he has a claim on communion with God through faith.


  • In the story o f creation (Gen. 1:26-2:3 and Gen. 2:4-25) the full em pha­ sis falls firstly on the fact th at man is the high point of Creation and emphasis shifts to the fact that man represents the point of departure for history

  • On the one hand man is related to the lower orders of reality as he has been created out of the “dust of the ea rth ”

  • On the other hand he should be distinguished on the grounds of principle as it emerges th at he was created as the result o f a deliberate m utual deliberation of the T rinity; God initiated his life by giving him breath; and it is of the greatest im port that man was created in the image of God

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The vicious circle seen from the political viewpoint

In Rev. 6:3 and 4 we read of the second seal being opened. J o h n is spe­ cially com m anded to come and witness as it is a m atter of utm ost signifi­ cance tor earth-dwellers. As the tim e of the second com ing approaches, ana S atan ’s tim e becomes m ore brief, the fiery red dragon will be increasing­ ly w rathful and seek to devour the faithful A spirit of war will be all-pervasive, and m ankind will becom e like an individual seeking release in suicide. Evil spirits rising from the abyss of darkness will fo ­ m ent revolution (Rev. 9:2, 3) and will induce destruction through world wars. One third of the people will be destroyed (Rev. 9 :1 5 , 18) This would entail many m illions, seeing the size of the present world populatio n. Aeroplanes play an enormous role here (cf Isaiah 60: 8) In form ation they release terrible bom bs which rain fire, smoke and sul­ phur on men and cities. Endangered man is suspended over a thousand abysses

The vicious circle of the annihilation of personal identity
The vicious circle of the pollution of nature
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