
Brain tumours are one of the common diseases in human beings. Currently, brain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (MRI) is the main means of detecting brain diseases. There are many works related to the classification and noise reduction of brain MRI images, but there are few works that combine these two parts simultaneously, i.e., noise reduction processing and classification of brain images at the same time. In this work, these two parts of work will be combined together, extracting the features of brain MRI images through an encoder composed of convolutional neural networks, using the features to classify the images, and then using the features to reduce the noise of the images to produce a low-noise image. According to the model, this work also proposes a new loss function. The new loss function is composed by adjusting the weights of the loss functions related to the classification and denoising tasks. This paper tries three different ways of weight assignment, and the experimental results show that the dynamic parameter assignment approach achieves the best results for image classification, but none of the three approaches achieves acceptable results for noise reduction.

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