
This paper studies the features of a homopolymer translocating through a flexible pore. The channel is modeled as a monolayer tube composed by monomers with two elastic parameters: spring-like two body interaction and bending three body recall interaction. In order to guarantee the stability of the system, the membrane is compounded by a lipid bilayer structure having hydrophobic body (internal), while the pore is hydrophilic in both edges. The polymer is end-pulled from the cis-side to the trans-side by a cantilever, to which is connected through a spring able to measure the force acting on the polymer during the translocation. All the structure reacts to the impacts of the monomers of the polymer with vibrations generated by the movement of its constituent bodies. In these conditions, the work done by the cantilever shows a nonmonotonic behavior with the elastic constant, revealing a resonant-like behavior in a parameter region. Moreover, the force spectroscopy registered as a function of time, is able to record the main kinetics of the polymer progression inside the pore.

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