
Patients with advanced or metastatic skin cancer have a limited life expectancy and the majority die as a result of the tumor despite modern treatment options. The preferences of these patients concerning care during their last phase of life are currently unknown. 150patients with advanced skin cancer (AJCC/UICC stageIII or IV) were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. 75% of the respondents wished to die in their domestic environment, although a more advanced tumor stage and increased reflection upon end-of-life care lead away from this wish. However, only 42% reported having communicated this wish to someone else. 55% of the respondents had completed advance directives, while younger patients did this significantly less often (95% CI: 0.11-0.56; p = 0.001). The majority of patients (62%) would like to have discussions about possibilities for end-of-life care with the attending dermato-oncologist. Although the moment of death is unpredictable, early initiation of end-of-life advance care planning appears prudent. The attending dermato-oncologists should take the initiative to raise the subject with their patients during routine control visits. In this context, it may be useful to present available care options to patients and relatives and to design strategies for the event of deteriorating health.

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