
VOLUME - I List Of Entries. Guide To Related Topics Figures And Tables Author's Note Preface Acknowledgments Common Abbreviations Timeline Of Key Events In The Global Economy, 1776 - 2009 THE ENCYCLOPEDIA Glossary Of Selected Terms Key Global Economy Web Sites Selected Bibliography Index List of Entries Absolute Advantage Advanced Economies Advertising African Development Bank Group Andean Community Annan, Kofi Asian Development Bank Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Association of Southeast Asian Nations Balance of Payments Balance of Trade Bank for International Settlements Basic Economic Questions Bhagwati, Jagdish Brain Drain Bretton Woods System Business Cycle Capital Flight Capital Formation Capitalism Capital Markets Caribbean Community Cartel Central American Common Market Civil Society Organizations Command Economy Commercial Revolution Communism Comparative Advantage Competitiveness Consumers International Corporate Social Responsibility Corruption Democracy Democratic Socialism Deng Xiaoping Developing Countries Development Economics Development Plan Digital Divide Dumping Economic Community of West African States Economic Freedom Economic Growth Economic Sectors Economic System Embargo Emerging Market Economies Energy Resources Entrepreneurship Environmental Degradation European Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes International Commodity Agreements International Co-operative Alliance International Development Association International Finance Corporation International Financial Institutions International Investment Agreements International Labor Organization International Monetary Fund International Trade Joseph, Keith S. Keynes, John Maynard Krugman, Paul R. Kuznets, Simon Least Developed Countries Lewis, William A. Localization Malthus, Thomas R. Maquiladoras Market Economy Marx, Karl H. Mercantilism MERCOSUR Microfinance Institutions Millennium Development Goals Moore, Mike Multilateral Environmental Agreements Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Mun, Thomas Myrdal, Karl G. Newly Industrialized Economies New Protectionism Non-Governmental Organizations North American Free Trade Agreement Nyerere, Julius K. Offshore Financial Centers Offshoring Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Peace Corps of the United States Pigou, Arthur C. Population Poverty Privatization Production Sharing Protectionism Purchasing Power Parity Quality of Life Race to the Bottom. European Free Trade Association European Union Exchange Rates Export Processing Zone Exports External Debt Factors of Production Financial Contagion Foreign Aid Foreign Direct Investment Foreign Exchange Market Free Trade Area of the Americas General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Global Culture Global Economy Global Financial Architecture Globalization Good Governance Gross Domestic Product Gross National Income Group of Eight Group of Seventy-Seven Group of Twenty Hayek, Friedrich A. Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative Human Development Import Quotas Imports Industrial Revolution Inflation Informal Economy Information and Communications Technologies Inter-American Development Bank Group Regional Development Banks Regional Trade Agreements Ricardo, David Rostow, Walt W. Sachs, Jeffrey D. Schumacher, Ernst F. Schumpeter, Joseph A. Sen, Amartya K. Smith, Adam Solow, Robert M. Soto, Hernando de South-South Cooperation Stiglitz, Joseph E. Supply Chains Sustainable Consumption Sustainable Economic Development Tariffs Terms of Trade Third World Socialism Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Transition Countries Transnational Corporations United Nations System Unsustainable Debt Voluntary Quotas Ward, Barbara M. Wolfensohn, James D. World Bank Group World Economic Forum World Health Organization World Intellectual Property Organization World Trade Organization Yunus, Muhammad VOLUME - II Author's Note Preface Acknowledgments Common Abbreviations Timeline of Key Events in the Global Economy, 1776 - 2009 1. Primary Documents A Note about the Documents List of Primary Documents Population Poverty Reduction Economic Growth and Sustainable Development International Trade Regional Integration in the Global Trading System Foreign Direct Investment and Corporate Social Responsibility Global Labor Markets and Labor Rights The Environment and Sustainable Development Consumer Rights and Sustainable Consumption Quality of Life and Economic Justice 2. Statistical Tables A Note about the Statistical Tables List of Statistical Tables Population Global Output Advanced Economies Least Developed Countries (LDCs) Income Distribution, Poverty, and External Debt. Quality of Life and Social Indicators Transnational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment International Trade Regional Development Banks Global Energy Consumption and Production Global Competitiveness and Freedom Glossary of Selected Terms Key Global Economy Web Sites Selected Bibliography Index.

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