
This essay assesses religion-and-society problematic in modernity in light of processes of pluralization and institutional differentiation that occur as societies become increasingly integrated into world-system. Traditional categories for understanding religion are based upon models that no longer fit actual circumstances, if ever they did. In particular, mystical-magical dimensions of religion -heretofore largely excluded as positive substantive elements for sociology of religion are urged as essential to understanding modern religiosity. Rationalization at societal level has disenchanted institutional religion, but religion remains an important variable when conceptualized social-psychologically. Popular religion expresses a new enchantment (not re-enchantment) which operates differently from previous expectations. This should be cause for theoretical reflection and reconstruction rather than despair or rejection. Religion can serve as one basis for preservation of individuality in face of an impersonal state. This understanding of the function of religion in society is virtually direct opposite of traditional sociological conceptions.

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