
the study aimed to consider the effects of using encapsulated organic acids (EOAs) and selected anticoccidials in the diet on performance, mucin-2 gene expression, and blood, oocyst reduction rate (ORR), excreta, immune, visceral, intestinal, and microbial parameters in broilers reared on a litter infected with coccidiosis. 525 mixed-sex one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a 2×3 factorial experiment as a completely randomized design with seven experimental groups (diets) and five replicates of fifteen chicks. The seven experimental groups were included: negative (uninfected; T1) and positive (infected; T2) control groups fed a diet without additive, and other infected groups (T3-T7) fed diets supplemented with 0.05% maduramicin, 0.02% diclazuril, 0.1% EOAs, 0.05% maduramicin and 0.1% EOAs, 0.02% diclazuril, and 0.1% EOAs. Results indicated that EOAs or anticoccidials (especially diclazuril) especially their simultaneous usage improved significantly performance, carcass traits, ORR, serum cholesterol, globulin, total protein, serum and excreta Ca and P concentrations, jejunal histomorphometry and mucin-2 gene expression and intestinal Lactobacillus, Escherichia coli, and Coliforms populations. The visceral organs (pancreas and spleen) percentages and immune responses (including TNF-α, TNF-γ, IL-2, and IL-10) were increased by the EOAs used in the diet. The spleen percentage and immune parameters (except TNF-α) were improved in diets containing anticoccidials, especially EOAs + anticoccidials to diets. The highest serum P and least excreta Ca concentrations were obtained by EOAs, even without simultaneous usage with anticoccidials. EOAs decreased significantly serum triglyceride and albumin and intestinal contents’ pH. In conclusion, EOAs as a dietary safe substitute had more beneficial effects on the productive, carcass, visceral organs, ORR, blood, excreta, immune, mucin-2 gene expression, and intestinal parameters, and increased the anticoccidial drugs’ efficiency especially diclazuril in Eimeria-challenged broilers.

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