
Cloud computing is an on-demand computing offers unlimited services to the public. One of the main services is cloud storage. However, data security is the biggest challenge in cloud storage. It is observed from various studies, confidentiality of outsourced data is compromised in cloud environment. The aim of this research is to propose EnBloAES-ALPHA framework with three services along with three cryptographic algorithms with the intention of providing a secure cloud environment. The three services namely, Confidentiality as a Service (CaaS), Key generation and management as a Service (Kaas) and Storage as a Service (Saas) are amalgamated in EnBloAES-ALPHA to offer a holistic framework to the cloud users by incorporating data confidentiality in it. The three cryptographic algorithms namely, Enhanced Blowfish Cryptographic Cloud Storage Algorithm (EnBlo CCSA), Enhanced Advanced Encryption Standard Cryptographic Cloud Storage Algorithm (EnAES CCSA) and a hybrid algorithm EnBloAES CCSA are the main components in the proposed framework to reach the goals of the research. The CCSAs help to preserve data confidentiality in cloud. The three services of EnBloAES-ALPHA are functioning independently, so that the data leakage or data loss due to any attackers is mitigated. Subsequently, the key management and other maintenance are offered as a service by the framework, diminishes the users burden.

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